It’s the future, Tim, but not as we know it!

Eagle eyed observers of these news pages will recall a post from me last November when a Manchester based radio station asked me to nominate three books that I would want to save in the event of the end of an apocalypse. One of those books was Tim Marshall’s “The Power of Geography”, perhaps one of the cogent explanations about how we could have arrived at this chaotic point. Imagine my delight at having the opportunity to meet Tim at this year’s Ilkley Literature Festival and hear about his latest tome, “The Future of Geography” with his collected thoughts about the impact of geo-politics in space. It’s a big subject but brilliantly navigated by the former diplomatic editor of Sky News and highly recommended for the casual observer. Reading Marshall’s works I have learned things which I have not come across from any other source. Unfortunately he may well be less impressed with my latest work of fiction – streetwise and entertaining, but short on analysis!